Books and reading resources

Books by the Resilience Institute team

The Resilience Institute team have published several widely-acclaimed books on topics spanning resilience, well-being, values and culture.

Rhythm by Dr. Sven Hansen

64 Drills to Live, Lead, and Laugh

Resilience Quotient by Alexia Michiels

Leadership with heart and purpose.

Start With Values by Brad Hook

A guide to building a meaningful life.

Inside-Out by Dr. Sven Hansen

The Practice of Resilience

The Resilience Drive by Alexia Michiels

Practices to navigate daily challenges.

Resilience Mastery by Brad Hook

Keys to upgrade human performance.

Books about Resilience

The following books are recommended for those interested in resilience, well-being, and high performance.

The Upward SpiralAlex Korb, 2016
The Seventh SenseJoshua Cooper Ramo, 2016
PeakAnders Ericsson, 2016
Smarter, Faster, BetterCharles Duhigg, 2016
Humans are UnderratedGeoff Colvin, 2015
PresenceAmy Cuddy, 2015
AltruismMatthieu Ricard, 2015
WillpowerBaumeister and Tierney, 2011
Positivity       Barbara Fredrickson, 2009
Emotional Life of your BrainDavidson and Begley, 2012
Focus  Daniel Goleman, 2013
What the FatGrant Schofield, 2015
How Children SucceedPaul Tough, 2013
The Rise of SupermanSteven Kotler, 2014
Stealing Fire  Kotler and Wheal, 2017
Against EmpathyPaul Bloom, 2017
The Undoing ProjectMichael Lewis, 2016

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