What is Spirit in Action in Resilience Spiral Part 3

Part 1 explored what Spirit in Action is and Part 2 scoped out why this is important at individual, community and planetary levels of function. In Part 3 the question to address is: “What exactly should, could or will I do?”

Physical Signals to Pay Attention to For Well-being

There are eight great lessons to help you face the challenges of leadership, parenting, politics, teams, and the hustle of making progress in a testing world. There is no one right way. This is a creative journey of building the presence you want to be in the world. Test the lessons for your own needs. Adapt and refine.

Our History of Resilience

Today, “resilience” along with a bewildering list of synonyms is a core topic in parenting, education, business, NGOs, governments, infrastructure, ecosystems and sport. Billions are being invested in new ventures. It is a celebrity feeding frenzy dosed with gurus, placebos, and scams amidst true experts.

How I Manage to Share a Clear Vision Thanks to My Blind Classmate

Being able to express ourselves clearly and understandably to the diversity of our audience while creating trusting relationships is critical. Especially in the professional field when many of us are geographically scattered and cannot share a common space, sitting next to each other. Read the insights by Pauline Soares how we can do that better.

Webinar: Staying Well While Working Remotely

Brad Hook and Manish Arneja from the Resilience Institute are joined by Stuart Taylor from Springfox.com to chat about keeping well and staying productive while working from home. 

What is Spirit in Action in Resilience Spiral Part 2

We recognise and acknowledge different spiritual narratives – or religions. Many (see Aldous Huxley’s Perennial Philosophy) believe that they share a core wisdom. The core wisdom seeks truth and goodness. Humans, as story-tellers, are free to express the stories that help us make sense of, and apply, wisdom.

A Practical Guide to Personal and Organisational Agility

In the physical sense, agility is the ability to move quickly and freely, with co-ordination. But this term can also apply to cognitive processing. Mental agility is the ability to think and understand new concepts quickly. Agility is an advantage in both athletic and intellectual pursuits.

What is Spirit in Action in Resilience Spiral

Our Resilience Diagnostic and Development model puts “spirit in action” right at the top of our spiral. In a dynamic world of multiple spiritual pathways and secular alternatives, we owe our participant a considered response. We welcome your participation in the dialogue.

Resilience under the Threat of War

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia triggers a feeling of ominous threat. This conflict follows a global pandemic, mass migration and a financial crisis. The four horsemen of war, disease, migration, and state failure ride again – this time under the clouds of climate change.

The Importance of Fulfilment and How to Find It

The statement “I am contented, joyous and fulfilled” separates the most successful people from the least successful. Nine out ten of the top performers say they are fulfilled ‘very often’ or ‘nearly always’.*